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VDZ Düsseldorf © Viktoria Cvetković | drawnfromlife.eu

Abandoned heritage

Work in pro­gress

Visual explo­ra­tion and docu­men­ta­tion of a 1950s buil­ding in Düs­sel­dorf. Pro­tec­ted monu­ment, archi­tect Peter Neu­fert.

Recently, the owner (a branch repre­sen­ta­tive) sold this tailor-made buil­ding to a com­pany out­side the sec­tor. It remains to be seen whe­ther the new occu­pants will come to value the cul­tu­ral heri­tage they acquired.

VDZ Düsseldorf © Viktoria Cvetković | drawnfromlife.eu

Archi­tect Peter Neu­fert’s design is very tho­rough and dis­plays his extra­or­di­nary sense for the owner’s needs in fit, form and func­tion. The buil­ding was com­ple­ted with regard to every detail with great care, from the deli­cate door hand­les for the ele­va­tors, the dif­fe­rent flo­o­rings, the win­dow designs, the stair­ways, to the cei­ling and seats in the auditorium.

VDZ Düsseldorf © Viktoria Cvetković | drawnfromlife.eu
VDZ Düsseldorf © Viktoria Cvetković | drawnfromlife.eu

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