Reportage Illustration & Documentary Drawing

Pro­fes­sio­nal dra­wings stand out from the flood of digi­tal images. Let your con­tent stick out and get noticed—with hand­made illus­tra­ti­ons crea­ted exclu­si­vely for you.

Steer your viewers’ attention and bring your message across easily.

You have craf­ted your publi­ca­tion or pro­duct carefully. Now you are loo­king for visu­als that match your high demands.

In a world full of snapshots and infla­tio­nary taken pho­to­graphs, hand-drawn repor­tage illus­tra­ti­ons are a powerful way to under­line the value of your content.

You can­not sna­phot a dra­wing; even a quick sketch needs a skil­led hand and a trai­ned eye to cap­ture the essence of a scene. It is this very spe­cial qua­lity of pro­fes­sio­nally drawn visu­als that con­veys app­re­cia­tion for your work and your clients.

You can hire me as visual correspondent, and have me create unique illustrations for your publications or products.